As a manager of social care workers part of my role is to teach, monitor and review the progress of staff individually and as a whole. I can then match this to the quality assurance of the service and target any weak areas.
I like to promote a positive culture around training from the outset of someone’s employment with us.
I use the Care Council for Wales Code of Practice as a firm and trusted tool for the management of mine and others practice. The Codes are intended to reflect existing good practice and as managers we have a duty to ensure staff recognise the significance of the codes and demonstrate that understanding in their practice and aspire to them.
I assist the manager to implement policies and procedures that enable our staff to meet the Care Council for Wales’ code of Practice as section two of the employer’s code of conduct states. All staff at all levels are valued as individuals and all roles respected. Such policies can include equal opportunities, risk assessment, substance abuse, record keeping, anti-discriminatory practice to name but a few.
All new staff are given a copy of our organisational policy “Residents Charter” that …show more content…
gives clear protocols on how we combat issues such as ageism, racism, accepting diversity and partnership working.
I provide induction, training and development opportunities to help the staff do their jobs effectively and prepare them for new and changing roles and responsibilities.
I will always support someone who sought my assistance if they did not feel able or adequately prepared to carry out any aspects of their work. I always respect and accept that individuals have different learning and competency levels. I am committed to providing work based education and training including workplace assessments and practice learning. To be an effective manager I should supervise staff to support effective practice and good conduct and support them in addressing any deficiencies in their performance. I have a duty to enable the staff to strengthen and develop their knowledge and
I continually monitor performance with systems such as 2 monthly supervisions and annual appraisals. Any gaps, shortfalls in performance or policy reforms that occur outside of these dedicated times are addressed with personal or team meeting /memo.
We operate an “open door” policy at my workplace where staff are encouraged to bring forward any concerns, personal or operational. They are made aware at induction of their responsibility to bring to management’s attention any dangerous, abusive, discriminatory or exploitative behaviour or practice that could affect the safe delivery of care. We also have policies and procedures that promote staff welfare and their right to equal opportunities whilst employed with us. Whilst ensuring the care and safety of service users is a priority, I must provide appropriate assistance for staff whose work may be affected by ill health or a drug or alcohol dependency issue for example. The policy gives clear guidance on the support they will receive and any possible limits on their work while they are receiving treatment. Generally it is accepted that happy staff equal good productivity and therefore quality and standard of service is hopefully achieved and my role is to maintain that by on- going monitoring and evaluation.
As a manager my role is to ensure I make it clear to staff that bullying, harassment or any form of unjustifiable discrimination is not acceptable and what action I will take to deal with such behaviour and that any action will be dealt with promptly, openly and effectively.