After completing this assignment I much more aware of how careful I need to be when making my food choices. Sometimes I take the convenience of a meal into mind more so than the actual health of it all. It is definitely time for us to start calculating what…
This class has been very informative during the past few weeks. We have learned how to count calories, read nutrition labels, use a tracker to monitor our daily intake, carbohydrates, and learned about proteins and their effects.…
A healthy diet is extremely important during your time at college. The freshman 15 can make a negat...…
Discuss potential physical problems from an eating plan that is too low or too high in protein.…
We have created a blog entitled Feed the Turtle which will promote healthy eating on UMD’s campus. In college, it is very easy to get swept up in classes, extracurricular activities and other events that we often forget about eating healthy. For some students, this comes in the form of the freshman fifteen but other students may end up losing weight due to skipping meals or not getting enough nutrients. Our blog will tackle these issues by posting recipes, health tips and more to make sure terps are staying happy and healthy throughout their time at UMD.…
Assigned Diet Plan: It is your 55th birthday and your recent doctor’s visit alerted you of the fact you have HTN and are very overweight. In order to keep CVD at bay, your doctor recommended the following diet: 20-25 kcal/kg, .8 g pro ( or- 15% kcals as pro), 30% kcal from fat ( follow TLC guidelines) and 1500 mg Na. Be sure to eat no less than 35 gm fiber/d.…
For nine weeks this course had me analyzing my dietary and exercise habits. I researched my eating habits at the USDA Food Pyramid Guide and was provided with recommendations on what and how much I should be eating. This information combined with recommended exercises and information I learned in this class has resulted in my creating a lifetime personalized nutrition, diet, and exercise plan.…
During the 5 day span I met the calorie requirement of 2850 in daily food intake due to my high activity level. I pretty much had a balanced diet in terms of having each food group represented in my daily intake. I plan on to keeping my muscle mass, so I pretty much had a diet plan before. But going through the calorie tracker in the website made me realize that I was eating too much junk food than intended. It really didn’t have any adverse on my physique due to my early mentioned level of activity but by cutting down on my junk food intake for the week I was recording this log I was able to enjoy good wholesome food, without spending a lot of money in college cafeteria. Not only was I able to do this I was able to feel…
Looking back over the past nine weeks I must say that a large amount of valuable information has been presented to our class. The reading material, assignments, and class discussions have taught me some valuable lessons in the area of nutrition.…
A journal article I found through the Florida Atlantic University Library website displays information on an observation of college freshman willingness to learn nutritional information. John Todorovich and his colleagues created a nutrition course module program for incoming college students with poor eating habits. Following the nutrition course, five major themes emerged showing how useful the course was after all. The first theme Todorovich noted was the acquisition of knowledge on topics like portion sizes, different food groups, how to choose healthier snack items, and how to prepare small yet healthy meals for oneself. The study indicated that mostly all students involved learned a significant amount of nutrition information. The second theme of the study was the behavior change of the students involved. Most students vowed to change their poor eating habits, except for a handful of stubborn male students who stated they would be reluctant to change their eating habits unless is was absolutely necessary. On the brighter side, the vast majority of students agreed to start preparing more healthy meals for themselves as opposed to fast food, and to eliminate soft drinks like soda from their diet. In the third theme of the study, it was found that the informal and wittiness of the college graduate nutrition students added to the effectiveness of the…
During my time in UMass, my eating habits were bad, I would often eat foods high in cholesterol and fats, such as bacon and fries. Within 2-3 months, I had gained about 5 pounds. I had friends that gained more weight, and some that even lost weight. Ever since I began my research on “Freshman 15,” I learned ways to balance my diet, such as including more salads and…
“There 's a lot on MyPlate, but there shouldn 't be” (Amarante, June 05, 2011, expression 1). My essay will cover the recorded nutrient report from the foods that a typical college student had eaten during in the past three days. The web-based nutrient report that the college student used to record his meals was from MyPlate. “MyPlate is the current nutrition guide published by the United States Department of Agriculture, depicting a place setting with a plate and glass divided into five food groups.[1] It replaced the USDA 's MyPyramid guide on June 2, 2011, ending 19 years of USDA food pyramid diagrams.[2] MyPlate will be displayed on food packaging and used in nutrition education in the United States”("MyPlate," 2011, p. 1). The report basis a calorie count should not exceed 2600 calories for a male who is 43 and exercises at a minimum of 30 minutes daily. The student can determine his dietary reference intake (DRI) sum of each nutrient calculated, enabling him to know when he is over or under his target of 2600 daily calories.…
Also, these articles proved that the two behaviors I wanted to change go hand in hand with one another. When I first started this project, I noticed I wasn’t taking it as seriously become change doesn’t happen overnight. However, about two days after vowing to start, I began meal prepping to eat when there is down time between my classes. These meals or snacks consisted on whole apples, fruit salads, home cooked rice and chicken, and occasionally a whole-wheat sandwich. Although, there were somedays I forgot to pack my lunches which forced me to drink 16 oz of water to curve my cravings. Moreover, on days I failed to pack my lunch and water plagued a huge set back in my progress. During these times, I took a couple trips to In N Out and other fast food joints. Even though I knew how tired and heavy I would feel after eating a greasy meal, it became a much easier routine. As time went on and I ran into the same mishap, I found myself proudly driving past fast food restaurants and overjoyed when purchasing a fresh Sprouts vegetable salad or protein…
Technically, my task should've been to give you the top 10 lessons I learned researching different nutrition approaches, writing…
My personal health is not the way it should be right now. When I signed up for this class I was hoping it would help me with my weaknesses. A lot of my friends go and work out mostly everyday and I always tell myself that I am going to but I never do. I have always wanted to make myself get on a routine and workout or eat healthy and lose weight. Keeping up with school, my job, and a sorority is not that easy, the last thing on my mind is being healthy. Sleep overrides everything in my world I love it so much! Even though I say I want to be like someone else this situation is different. I would love to have a routine by the fall, maybe lose 20 pounds, and eat healthier.…