Follow The Diet
Assigned Diet Plan: It is your 55th birthday and your recent doctor’s visit alerted you of the fact you have HTN and are very overweight. In order to keep CVD at bay, your doctor recommended the following diet: 20-25 kcal/kg, .8 g pro ( or- 15% kcals as pro), 30% kcal from fat ( follow TLC guidelines) and 1500 mg Na. Be sure to eat no less than 35 gm fiber/d.
1. Meal Pattern
A. wt: 184# ( 84 kg) Ht: 6’0” (72 in/ 183 cm/ 1.83 m) Age: 22 YOWM
Kcal: 25 kcal/kg x 72 kg = 1900 kcals 655 + (9.6x 72) + (1.8 x 183cm) – (4.7x 22) = 1572x 1.6= 2500 Total Kcal: 2300/ day Protein: 72 x .8 g/kg= 58 g of pro 72 x 1.0= 72 g of pro Total Protein: 60-70-g/ day
CHO: 2300 kcal x .65 = 1495 kcal/ 4 kcal/g= 374 g Pro: 2300 kcal x .15 = 345 kcal/ 4 kcal/g = 86 g Fat: 2300 kcal x .30 = 690 kcal/ 9 kcal/g = 77 g Fluid Intake (1ml/kcal) = 2300 ml
B. 2300 kcal 374 g CHO/ 15g/ exchange= 24 CHO exchanges 2 Dairy x 8 g of pro= 16 g of pro 5 fruits x 0 g of pro= 0 g of pro 17 starch x 2 g of pro= 34 g pro Total g protein from CHO= 50 g protein 86 g of pro- 50 g of pro= 36 g of pro | Total | Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | Am snack | Pm snack | Hs snack | CHO | 24 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 3 | 2 | Protein | 5 | 1 | 2 | 2 | | | | Fat | 15 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 36 g/ 7g/exchange = 5 protein exchanges 77 g of fat/ 5g/ exchange= 15 fat exchanges
C. The Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC) diet is a way for individuals to naturally lower their ch through diet, physical activity, and wt management. The three nutrients in the diet that increase LDL ch that are controllable are saturated fat, found mostly in animal products, trans fats, found in foods with hydrogenated oils, and cholesterol. In addition to decrease sat fat, trans fat, and ch, the individual must also add plant stanols and sterols and increase soluble fiber. Sodium intake should be monitored and reduced. Fruits and