You should use this file to complete your Assessment.
How to complete and send your Assessment:
Save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk
Work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly
When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference
Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.
Name:Pauline Caldicott
Please note that this Assessment document has 11 pages and is made up of 4 Parts.
Part 1: Know the nutritional needs of children and young people
1. You have been asked to prepare nutritional information for the following people:
George, a 4-year-old boy
Callum, a 15-year-old boy.
Complete the table below with relevant information / values for each person.
This person’s energy requirement is...
This person’s nutritional requirements are...
Nutritional recommendations for this person are...
George, a 4-year-old boy
920 kcal – 1300 kcal
3 servings of carbs
2 servings of fruit, veg dairy and protein
Fish and lean meat , vegetables and fruit , Milk and Dairy foods and some starchy foods
Callum, a 15-year-old boy
1800 kcal – 2700 kcal
8 servings of carbs and 6 of fruit and veg . 6.612 of protein and 3 dairy
Lots of fruit and vegetables Fish and lean meat, not too many sugary foods . Milk and dairy foods and some starchy foods
2a) Use the table below to plan a day’s healthy menu for George, the 4-year-old boy from Question 1. Your menu should include three meals, two snacks and drinks.
Which food groups?
Meal 1 breakfast
100 ml of milk 1/2Apple
Meal 2 lunch
Wholemeal roll with cheese and salad
Fruit salad
Carbs, fruit and veg and dairy
Meal 3 dinner
Roast potatoes
Cabbage carrots
Protein , carbs and veg
Snack 1
½ banana
Snack 2
100ml milk
Diluted juice
2b) Explain why the chosen meals and snacks are appropriate for George.
I have chosen these freshly prepared meals due to the nutritional value and the variety of foods. Chicken dinner is a great meal and a variety of different vegetables can be had within the one meal, great for texture and for taste. Snacks are great for on the go and provide the nutrition and vitamins that children need. Also meals are all prepared from scratch so salt and fat control can be watched and also fibre content as children under 5 do need to watch the amount they eat as over eating can cause bloating and will prevent them from eating the good nutritious food.
3a) Use the table below to plan a day’s healthy menu for Callum, the 15-year-old boy from Question 1. Your menu should include three meals, two snacks and drinks.
Which food groups?
Meal 1
Wholegrain cereal with milk
Meal 2
Rice and salad
Fruit salad
Protein, fruit and veg, carbs
Meal 3
Spaghetti Bolognese + cheese
Protein + veg
Snack 1
Small biscuit
Fat and sugar
Snack 2
milk smoothie
Dairy + fruit
3b) Explain why the chosen meals and snacks are appropriate for Callum.
I have chosen these meals for Callum to provide him with a variety of different foods which provide a variety of Vitamins and nutrients needed for growth and development, whilst not having a lot of the bad fat and sugar. Freshly prepared so you can control the amount of salt and fats. A Balanced diet will also help with healthy eating habits throughout their lives
4. Briefly describe the importance of the following nutrients on the health of children and young people:
Iron and the impacts of any deficiency
Lack of iron in children’s diets can cause anaemia which makes children tired and feeling unwell .
Vitamin D and calcium (and their influence on bone development).
Lack of vitamin D and calcium can cause rickets and poor bone strength which can lead to osteoporosis. Also lack of calcium will effect the growth and strength of your teeth.
5. Complete the table below with examples of good food sources for the key nutrients for children and young people.
Key nutrients
Good food sources
Milk and yoghurts . Cheese and cream , wholegrain bread
Leafy green vegetables, lean meat, fortified cereals
Vitamin A
Egg , cheese, yogurts , carrots, and tomatoes
Vitamin C
Oranges, peppers , lemons, strawberries and broccoli
Vitamin D
Oily fish, eggs and fortified cereals are good food sources
Cheese and Nuts, Lean meat and Milk
Wholegrain breads and cereals , brown rice and Wholegrain pasta , potatoes
Butter , nuts and full fat milk
6. Describe the factors that can influence the eating patterns of the following age groups:
a) Young children (1 – 5 years old)
Some factors that will influence the eating patterns of children this age are what the parents eat , and the times they eat. If they are in nursery … the meals that are provided and what the children like
b) Teenagers (13 – 19 years old)
Factors that will definitely influence the eating patterns of this age group are – what are their friends eating ? are they eating junk food? Or ready made meals ?
Whether their parents work, or whether they are the ones who has to prepare their own meals . Some have cultural issues that can effect their eating patterns
Once you have completed this Part of your Assessment, save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking when you have completed all four Parts of this Assessment.
Part 2: Know the nutritional needs of older people
1. Edith is 68 years old. She lives alone and enjoys an active lifestyle. She enjoys walking, cooking and attends a weekly yoga class. Use the space below to outline nutritional recommendations for Edith. Edith needs to have a well balanced diet that includes lots of fruit and vegetables and lots of calcium rich foods . Wholegrain cereals and bread But has to be low in salt
2. Based on the nutritional recommendations you identified in Question 1 above, use the table below to plan a day’s healthy menu for Edith. Your menu should include three meals, two snacks and drinks.
Which food groups?
Meal 1
Fortified cereal with fruit
Carbs, dairy and fruit
Meal 2
Wholegrain chicken salad roll, fruit salad
Protein, carbs , fruit and veg
Meal 3
Roast beef with potatoes and carrots, broccoli and cabbage
Apple pie and custard
Protein, carbs, fruit and veg, dairy
Snack 1
Snack 2
Fat and sugar
Milk , water, tea, fruit juice
Dairy and fruit and veg
2. Explain why the chosen meals and snacks are appropriate for Edith
I have chosen these meals for Edith because it provides her with freshly prepared meals which are low in salt and fat but contain all the nutrients she needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle
3. What factors could influence Edith’s energy requirements as an older person?
Some factors that may influence Ediths energy requirements are that maybe she has some physical changes or she stops working, these will change her activity levels so making her require less calories but still needing all the nutrients to maintain a healthy body
4. Describe the main reasons why older people may be at risk of malnutrition.
The biggest reasons why older people are at risk of malnutrition are that they may be unable to prepare freshly made meals themselves, they may have to rely on others or ready meals. They may not be mobile enough to actually go to the shops for themselves so once again having to either do without or rely on others. And another factor is that they may not want to cook for themselves or not want to eat
Once you have completed this Part of your Assessment, save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking when you have completed all four Parts of this Assessment.
Part 3: Understand special dietary requirements
1. Describe some of the main reasons why people may have specific dietary requirements.
Health reasons, ie allergies or health conditions like diabetes
Religious reasons or cultural reasons
2. Identify the special dietary requirements of two religious or ethnic groups.
A ) Muslim cannot eat pork and other meat must be killed in a specific way or they cannot eat them , they also do not drink alcohol
b) Jewish religion, cannot eat pork and also cannot eat meat and dairy together
3. Complete the table below by describing three different types of vegetarian diet and the key foods they eat / do not eat.
Vegetarian diet
Foods they eat / do not eat
Lacto ovo vegetarian
Cannot eat meat fish and poultry but can eat dairy products and eggs and fruits and veg
Avoids eating all animal products including meat, dairy , fish, poultry, eggs . eats fruit and vegetables
Lacto vegetarian
Excludes eating meat, fish and poultry including eggs and any foods containing eggs , but they eat dairy products such as milk and cheese yoghurt and fruits and veg
5. Create a checklist of the precautions you can take when preparing food for people with specific dietary requirements (for example, a person with a food allergy).
1. Find out what foods they have an allergy too
2. Is there a special way their food needs to be prepared
3. How can I prevent any cross contamination with other foods
4. Making sure I read all the food labels to check that no ingredients are on their allergy list
Once you have completed this Part of your Assessment, save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking when you have completed all four Parts of this Assessment.
Part 4: Understand barriers to healthy eating
1. The table below lists five key barriers that can prevent people from choosing a balanced diet. Complete the table by describing how each barrier can prevent people from choosing a balanced diet and suggesting at least two actions that could help to overcome each barrier.
Public confusion over healthy eating
Lots of conflicting advice given in the media
1. Start off with good eating habits when young
2. Get the food companies to produce proper food labels and get government legislation to get correct information
Some people who have low incomes think that healthy good food costs too much or some may not be able to afford certain foods and a lot of fresh food is left to go off
Grow your own vegetables is a fab option
Cook fresh food in bulk and freeze leftovers for healthy meals on different days , this stopping the amount of food left to waste
Some people may struggle getting to the large supermarkets which do provide more variety of healthy foods, and lots of local shops have had to shut down preventing people from just being able to pop down the road for their fruit and veg
1. Doing a weekly meal planner may help to save going to the shops more than once a week
2.some large supermarkets offer free transport for people making accessibility much easier
Pre-prepared and convenience foods
Takeaway meals are quick and easy and for the working people this a a very quick and easy choice, They are also full of fats and sugars ( all the stuff that make them taste good)
1. Prepare freshly made food in bulk and freezer them, thus enabling you to have a good quick and healthy meal quickly and stress free
2. Invest in a slow cooker that can make some good freshly prepared healthy meals whist at work
Individual lifestyle choices
Longer working hours and a busy social life . No longer having family meals at the table together
1. Try and make meal times a family time where you all sit down and eat at the same time
2. Eat less snacks and drink less . Maybe limit socializing
Now that you have completed all four Parts of this Assessment, go to and send your work to your tutor for marking.