Another example that proves the hypothesis is ‘The pilot inn’ pub. Before in the 1800s it was a factory (secondary industry) and now it is a tertiary industry. However there are two exceptions. Hansen Cement works are present in the west of the peninsula have been there for decades (founded in 1929), therefore this disproves the hypothesis since the industry has not developed further into tertiary and quaternary industries. Also, the former gas works completely disprove the hypothesis. This is because during 20th century, the gas works were providing gas (tertiary industry) whereas now it is not in use. Nowadays we expect industries to go up the ladder to eventually quaternary industry, but this is going in the complete opposite direction.
I expected the industrial change to follow a pattern. I expected it to go from Primary in the 1700s to eventually Quaternary Industries. Putting everything into account, my thought on the hypothesis was proved, but I was surprised by the fact that there were still places which were still in the