1. Industrial Revolution- a term coined in the 1830s by awed contemporaries to describe the burst of major inventions and technical changes that had witnessed in certain industries.
2. Agricultural revolution- eliminated the traditional pattern of village agriculture found in northern and central Europe.
3. Common rights- the new agricultural system had profound implications that eliminated long-standing common rights and fallow.
4. Proletariat- the transformation of large numbers of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earners.
5. Bourgeoisie- middle class seeking equal rights and had problems with taxation.
6. Mercantilism- European system of economic regulations aimed at increasing the power of the state.
7. Steam Engine- Thomas Savery and Thomas Newcomen invented the steam engine in 1698 and 1705. Both had engines that burned steam and were extremely inefficient
8. Luddites- handicraft workers who attacked whole factories in northern England in 1812 and after smashed the new machines, which they believed were putting them out of work.
9. Factory Act of 1833- limited the factory workday for children between the ages of nine and thirteen to eight hours and for adolescents between fourteen and eighteen to twelve hours. This act made no effort to regulate the hours of work for children at home or in small businesses. The law prohibited employment under the age of nine and was instead sent to elementary schools that factory owners were required to establish.
1. The Industrial Revolution began in England that was something new in history and unplanned. The term was coined in the 1830s by awed contemporaries to describe the burst of major inventions and technical changes that they witnessed in certain industries.
2. The industrial revolution changes affected society by a tiny minority of the people-mostly wealthy English and Scottish-held most of the land and pursued profits aggressively leasing their land