Period 4!
Mr. Rudolph!
25 August, 2014!
Chapter 1: New World Beginnings!
1. How did “man” reach the New World? Why did we come?!
When the Ice Age caused the sea level to drop, it exposed a land bridge from
Eurasia to North America. Therefore, while some nomads took boats to the New World, the majority of the first nomadic Asian hunters came to the New World by walking across the land bridge, called Bering isthmus. Small bands of these immigrants continued to travel across the bridge for 250 centuries. It is thought that the first nomadic humans came across the land bridge because they were following herds of migrating game whom also took that path. !
2. Why is it difficult to generalize about North American Indians? What generalizations can be made?!
It is hard to generalize the North American Indians because all of the different settlements or nomadic groups of Indians were all spread so far apart. Not only were there few numbers spread thinly across a large area, but societies were rare, not making for a generic living style. There were groups such as the Pueblos, Indians who constructed irrigation for their fields, who had vast variations from another group called the Iroquois, Indians who had enough mental capacity to create military alliances, or a nomadic group of Indians who did not have a settlement. However, some generalizations can be made about most all Indians. First off, most power ran through the maternal line of the family, or through the mother, which varied from the European way of thinking. Secondly, most Native Americans did not want to hurt the nature around them, or harm the environment. Lastly, as stated above, most Indians were scattered in small settlements. !
3. How were the Iroquois exceptional North American Indians?!
The Iroquois North American Indians were exceptional for two main reasons.
One, they settled in one main society, and two, they were able to create a hierarchy in their society and alliances