Case: the dangers of using text messages
Case Questions
1. Which of the five moral dimensions of the information systems identified in this text are involved in this case? Rights and obligations are involved since the person must know the proper use of the phone and be aware of the problems it can cause and be caused by not making a proper use of the phone.
Also the quality of life since it covers all general aspects of life into which the values and ethics and social responsibility assumed by the person using the phone inappropriately is very high.
Two . What are the ethical , social and political generated by this case?
Ethics . - Because the individual in this case the driver used irresponsibly communication system while driving.
Social . - It is understood that while driving and cause accidents with third cause a problem to society for all the impact it generates.
Political . - Because in some U.S. states prohibit the use of cell phones while driving but in other states do not .
Three . What ethical principles described in the text are useful for making decisions about the use of text messages while driving ?
The responsibility , to enforce our obligations as citizens and thus ensure our security and therefore the security of others. If all motorists take the wrong decision to send messages would be many accidents and casualties . You have to be aware that we are not the only ones on the road . As Albert Einstein said : "I fear the day when technology exceeds our humanity." - The world will only have a generation of idiots . -
My action
1. Many state and local levels call for a federal law against the use of text messages while driving. Use a search engine to explore what steps the federal government has taken to deter unused text messages while driving.
In our country we are governed by laws that sometimes seem really silly, but there are others that we can save lives as the law against cell phone use while driving.
In 2009, the death rate from traffic accidents in Mexico is 10.9 per 100 thousand inhabitants . One person dies every 20 minutes because of this. In the reference year , traffic accidents were the leading cause of death in young people between 15 and 34 years old , in the Federal District , State of Mexico , Jalisco and Nuevo Leon , according to figures from the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics ( INEGI ) .
In that year , only in those four states , killed 689 thousand young people.
To show the above , there are some data :
• 85% of car accidents are caused by driver error .
• 25% of these accidents are related to some form of driver inattention .
• A driver takes about 150 decisions for every mile you drive.
• When traveling at 95 miles per hour, if flipped down for only two seconds , for example to write a message or set the cliema , the driver will travel 55 meters blindly distance greater than the length of a football field.
• When driving, 92 % of drivers handling the radio , 71 % eat or drink , 46% is arranged , 40 % read and even write and , 33 % using cellphone .
• Cell phone use increases by 400 % the possibility of having an accident
In the state of Baja California to implement this law more than four years ago , we conducted a study which shows that during this period of time, it has reduced the number of traffic fatalities by 22%. In real numbers , deaths decreased from 100-53 .
In reading the book shows that models of "hands free " have been of great help to lower the number of accidents caused by cell phone, but statistically you have played an important role as more and more used by drivers and although not 100% paying attention when driving , have both hands on the wheel.
At the time of talking on a cell phone when you are driving , even with "hands free " attention span is lost because you're thinking about the topic you 're talking and not thinking about driving, you do not have a constant speed , no enough safety distance to the vehicle in front of you and takes reaction time .
Two . Most people are not aware of the widespread impact of the use of text messaging while driving through the United States. Do a search on " use of text messages while driving ." Examine all the search results of the first 2 pages . Enter the information in a table column . In the left column of the report place the locality and year on the right provide a brief description of the search results , eg accident, report , opinion, etcetera . What can you conclude from these search results and table ?
University of Utah, June 12, 2013 ( AFP , 2013 )
- The 24 % of traffic accidents in the U.S. is related to mobile phone use while driving
- new techniques for measuring cognitive distraction of drivers.
Virginia, 2012 ( at & t, 2012 )
- Tips security Puerto Rico , 2012 ( PR OSHA , 2012 )
- The safety of workers your business
- The no job security is an accident
- Every year more workers in motor vehicle accidents than from any other cause.
Not Specified , 2013 ( AT & T, 2013 )
- Drive 4 Pledges
New York , 2013 (Consumer Reports, 2011 )
- nationally representative survey conducted by the National Research Center Consumer Reports
- the 94 % , had observed someone else talking on cell phones while driving
-5.474 People died and half a million were injured in accidents related to distracted driving in 2009
- The 66 % of respondents that limited or completely stopped such behavior said he did it because read or heard about the dangers . 20% said it was influenced by media campaigns .
Washington, D.C., 2013 ( N.A , 2013)
-19 States ban texting while driving
- Distracted driving is like driving drunk
- The truck drivers think they are above the laws of text messages
Florida, 2013 (@ ZGS , 2013)
- Looking approve bill to ban texting while driving
- Persons involved in the crime of sending messages while driving could be fined $ 30, with subsequent convictions within a five-year , $ 60.
Atlanta , 2011 (LP, 2011 )
- In general , 25% of drivers in the United States reported that talks on the phone " regularly " or "fairly often" while maneja.2
- In 2009 , more than 5,400 people died and 448,000 were injured in crashes attributed to driver distraído.1 About 1,000 deaths and 24,000 injuries in these accidents were mainly due to the distraction caused by cell phone use .
NEW YORK . AP , 2013 ( Merit Designs Consulting Group , 2006-2013 , 2013 )
- " Can wait " ( " It Can Wait" ) will be widely deployed on TV and radio this summer .
-AT & T and Verizon have posted ads against texting and driving since 2009
- The number of accidents shows a long term trend to the downside, and the explosion in the use of text messaging and smartphones do not seem to be bucking that trend.
Mexico City , 2011 ( Perez- Stadelmann , 2011 )
- IMESEVI : car accidents leading cause of death among people aged 5 to 29years
- Culture poor road
@ZGS. (09 de 04 de 2013). Hola Ciudad. Obtenido de
AFP. (13 de Junio de 2013). el espectador. Obtenido de at&t. (18 de Enero de 2012). COFEM. Obtenido de
AT&T. (18 de Septiembre de 2013). Puede Esperar. Obtenido de
Consumer Reports. (03 de 07 de 2011). Univision Nueva York.
Merit Designs Consulting Group, 2006-2013. (15 de 05 de 2013). Hoy. Obtenido de
N.A. (19 de Septiembre de 2013). El martillo Tejano. Obtenido de
NA. (22 de Agosto de 2011). Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Obtenido de
Perez-Stadelmann, C. (10 de Julio de 2011). El Universal. Obtenido de
PR OSHA. (7 de Enero de 2012).