• Major population boom! o by 1775 there were 2.5 million people in 13 colonies o youthful and growing quickly
• they were slowly moving westward past the Alleghenies
• most populous colonies o Virginia o Massachusetts o Pennsylvania o North Carolina o Maryland
• Cities o Philadelphia o New York o Boston o Charleston
• Many races settled in America o Germans – fled religious persecution, for economy, and fleeing war mainly in Pennsylvania – Lutheran, very loyal to German language and customs (not British crown) o Scots-Irish – actually Scots Lowlanders, Presbyterianism
No room in Pennsylvania so moved further west
Very independent, lawless, individualistic
Didn’t like any form of government – especially British
Paxton Boys – 1764 in Pennsylvania, Regulatory Movement in North Carolina
Had been very poor and persecuted by British in Scotland so left to Ireland - still hard there so left to America, where most went to Pennsylvania for religious tolerance
Many became patriots later on o Huguenots, Welsh, Dutch, Swedes, Jews, Irish, Swiss, Scots Highlanders
All (except SHs) weren’t loyal to British government o Many Africans o Most mixed population of anywhere in world o Crevecoeur – “strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country”
• Most Americans at this time were small famers o Able to have rags-to-riches story, unheard of in England
• “Europeanization” o Elites were beginning to form
Everything English was better o War widows and orphans, Philly and NY built almshouses for destitute o Became harder to find land to farm many tenant farmers o Voluntary vs involuntary indentured servants
Voluntary – much better off
Involuntary – jail birds o Blacks slaves
Could never get free
• Professions o Ministry – most honored o Physicians – not trained or honored
Constant epidemics, would kill thousands o Law – first not honored then became