This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered out of the instrument used in the used in the study presented according to the specific to the problems.
Table 1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Age
|Age |Frequency |Percentage |
| |(f) |(%) |
|16-18 |101 |29 |
|19-21 |136 |40 |
|22-24 |85 |25 |
|25 above |21 |6 |
|Total |343 |100 |
Table 1 showed the respondents profile as to age 16-18 has a frequency of 101 which accounted to 29% of the sample size followed by 19-21 which frequency of 136 which accounted to 40% and 22-24 has a frequency of 85 which accounted to 25% and 25 above had a lowest frequency of 21 with 6% of the sample size.
Most of the respondents were 19-21 years old which accounted to 40% of the sample size because the fourth year students dominated on this research but this would not affect the research study because the