Subject: Final Requirements-All English Term
Dear Sir: Good Day! Next week is already final exam. The two Public Speaking Classes and three Writing Classes of AC121 give requirements for the final exam, as well as the grammar and communication skill class and Fundamentals of Accounting for some students, too. Below are the lists of subjects with the corresponding requirements: * Expository Writing (EEXWRT) We are required to do three essays for our final exam. We were done writing the two essays which were the Character Sketch and the Cause and Effect essays. For December 10, 2012 (Monday), we will be doing our final draft for Narrative Essay to fulfill our requirements for final exam. * Research Writing (ERESWRT) For our research writing, we already passed the rough draft of our research paper. On December 11, 2012 (Tuesday), we are going to defend our final research paper so as to have our final grade. * Public Speaking 1 (EPUBSP1) In this subject, we are required to present our Ignite Speeches on December 11 (Tuesday) 1:30pm for batch 1, December 12 (Wednesday) 8:00am for batch 2 and December 13 (Thursday) 8:00am for batch 3. This will serve as the 50% of our final grade. Furthermore, our block is also required to compete against other freshmen blocks for incoming Speech Choir Competition on December 19, 2012 (Wednesday), which will serve as the 50 % of our final grade in Public Speaking Class 1. * Technical Writing (ETECWRT) On behalf of this subject, we just need to finish our E-mail Letter and we will be having our final exam on December 17, 2012 (Monday), but it is not yet the definite schedule of final exam.
* Public Speaking 2 (EPUBSP2) Our block was already done for our 50% grade of final exam,