In the novel Lizet is not only struggling with school, but she is also wondering if she made the right choice in attending Rawlings University. This way of thinking is all due to the fact that she realized the she was not a prepared as all the other students
and with realization came also came the thought the she did not belong. She said, “I wanted to be at Rawlings, and I was grateful they’d taken my background into consideration I wanted to rise”(139). It was then that she realized that it didn’t matter what she felt her family would say she wanted to rise above what her family has accomplished. She wants to better herself and would do anything to do so. She also struggled a lot with how people perceived her, “Once I learned what I was supposed to say, it became a chant, like an address I’d memorized but didn’t think of as a home.” (p.10) Lizet knew what to say to make people not ask to many question, even if it wasn’t really what she really though or how she felt.