"...and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws."(1.4) "Slowly, like a terrier who doesn't want to bring a ball to its master, Lennie approached, drew back, approached again."(1.9) "Lennie covered his face with huge paws and bleated with terror." (3.63) What do all of these quotes have in common? They are all quotes comparing Lennie to an animal, but why is that? This is because in this story because Lennie is perceived as innocent, to have a lesser brain capacity and because it foreshadows what is going to end you happening to him.
Most animals are don’t intend on hurting others, but do so innocently and simply because they don’t know better. For example, recently in an animal park in Berlin an elephant mother unintentionally tried to crush and drown her child to death. ““Lennie looked sadly up at him. “They was so little," he said …show more content…
Lennie is constantly getting compared to animals and is also constantly killing them. At the end of the story Lennie ends up getting shot in the back of the head and dying. Therefore, every time that Lennie kills and animal and then gets compared to one it is foreshadowing the fact that later Lennie will get killed. “And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the mussel of it close to the back of Lennie’s head. The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger.” (6.112) In this quote, you see how Lennie was killed which is very similar to the way Lennie kills animals. When Lennie kills animals he doesn’t want to do it and in this quote you see that George was nervous and didn’t really want to kill Lennie but just did it so someone else wouldn’t. To sum it up, Lennie being compared to animals isn’t literal it is just John Steinbeck using foreshadowing from the very first page of the book to the very