Terrell Gene Martin
Grand Canyon University: EDU 310
April 20, 2012
Character Development: A Teachers Responsibility?
The question of the role of a teacher in the character development of a child should not be a difficult one to answer. There is not only a responsibility there but also an obligation to help in such development. An educator should be able to work with parents in the overall development of all aspects of a child’s growth and well being. There are, however, certain areas of limitation that should not be crossed for any reason and are sacred rites for parents alone. One of these areas, and perhaps the most disputed, is religion. A parent is the absolute authority on the inclusion of any religious development at all times. Public schools should not ever force upon a student any form of religion at any time. Not forcing it does not however mean not making it part of a non-curricula option. What I mean by this is an availability of certain student organizations should not be denied. Christian or non Christian students should have every right to meet and enjoy their time as a group without any reprisal from the school and the school should provide a certain amount of protection for these students from reprise from fellow students. For a teacher to be a club sponsor is acceptable as long as there is no influence from the teacher on the grades of the students. Political opinion should also be something to refrain from trying to influence in the character development. Politics is a touchy subject in most circles but for an educator to attempt to place their own belief on students in inappropriate. Most families have a long standing tradition of political party involvement and this is something that is important for teachers to honor. A study of history can and should involve discussion of the party development as well as influence; however a teacher’s individual personal belief should remain their own. In other sociological areas including legality and moral standards a teacher can and should be a positive influence and role model for all students. Professionalism in actions mannerism and appearance is critical at all times when involved with students. Actions of teachers can influence children to want to act in the same way as their teacher much in the same manner as with their parents. Educators must remember that in most cases they will spend more time with the children than their parents do in a normal day and therefore they have a responsibility to always present in a positive manner. It is in appropriate for teachers to include students in personal involved aspects of their lives unless it is parental involved as well. A teacher should not have students on a personal social media account and should never have that type of interpersonal relationship with their students. A possible exception to that rule could be when the parents of the child and the teacher are personal friends but even that can create serious ramifications if a conflict occurs. It is simply the best idea to refrain from doing this at all times just to reduce any risk of potential inappropriate or misunderstood/misguided communication. In conclusion, it is appropriate for a certain amount of character development to in the hands of the education system and teachers. Again there are and should be limitations to what the content and subject matter be.
Habegger-Ward, C. (2011). An evaluation of leadership traits and prior leadership activities in gifted eighth-grade students. Grand Canyon University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Accessed April 18th, 2012. http://search.proquest.com/docview/919041376?accountid=7374
Vernez G, Krop R, Rydell C. Closing The Education Gap : Benefits And Costs [e-book]. RAND; 1999. Available from: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 18th, 2012.
Van Cott H. Human Factors Specialists ' Education And Utilization : Results Of A Survey [e-book]. National Academy Press; 1992. Available from: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 19th, 2012.
References: Habegger-Ward, C. (2011). An evaluation of leadership traits and prior leadership activities in gifted eighth-grade students. Grand Canyon University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Accessed April 18th, 2012. http://search.proquest.com/docview/919041376?accountid=7374 Vernez G, Krop R, Rydell C. Closing The Education Gap : Benefits And Costs [e-book]. RAND; 1999. Available from: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 18th, 2012. Van Cott H. Human Factors Specialists ' Education And Utilization : Results Of A Survey [e-book]. National Academy Press; 1992. Available from: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 19th, 2012.