• Syllabus Overview/Introduction/Administrivia;• The Role of Services in the Economy• The Nature of Services• Service Strategy…
Service offerings are intangible products offered for sale to customers. These can be services sold to business customers (e.g., consulting services, shipping services) or to end consumers (e.g., restaurant services, transportation, health care). Service offerings can be sold by traditional service companies (e.g., Bank of America) as well as manufactures (e.g., IBM). A company does not need to be a “service company” in the traditional sense to sell services.…
In doctors surgery the purpose is to keep the people in the community well and to help prevent illness, worry about their health, help the make the right decisions within their own health.…
Goods vs. Services: Manufacturers produce tangible product, services often intangible, Operations activities often very similar, Distinction not always clear, few pure services.…
Goods-Dominated (GD) logic has been instilled in contemporary thinking since the industrial era, stemming from the fact that economic growth was achieved through a country’s ability to produce excess quantities of goods and export the excess for wealth. Although when this logic is extended into services it results in reducing service offerings into man hours, information and other ‘exchangeable’ units.…
Marketing services is different from marketing goods, and the marketing tools and practices developed for goods marketing are often not directly transferable to the marketing of services. There are several major differences, including:…
Product Suggestions are to use prominent companies such as Research In Motion (RIM), PepsiCo, Toyota and other prominent companies.…
! Services account for more than 60% of GDP worldwide! ! Almost all economies have a substantial service sector! ! Most new employment is provided by services ! ! Strongest growth area for marketing! !…
Services are defined in as “deeds, processes and performances”. None of these physical objects are physical objects in which a customer can take ownership of, because it is so different from products, service marketing requires a special approach, set of concepts and body of knowledge.…
Services marketing first came to the fore in the 1980’s when the debate started on whether marketing of services was significantly different from that of products so as to be classified as a separate discipline. Prior to this, services were considered just an aid to the production and marketing of goods and…
Lean environment: simple; few elements, spaces, and pieces of equipment Coinstar is a self-service coin-counter found in many supermarkets. You pour your coins in, and the machine counts the coins and gives you bills for an 8.9% fee.…
According to Baker J.M et al, The Marketing Book 5th Ed, (2003), early economists saw services as being totally unproductive, adding nothing of value to an economy. He quotes Adam Smith as having included the efforts of intermediaries, doctors, lawyers and the armed forces among those who were ‘unproductive of any value’ (Smith, 1977) and this remained the dominant attitude towards services until the latter part of the nineteenth century. Economists now recognize that tangible products may not exist at all without a series of services being performed in order to produce them and to make them available to consumers. So an agent distributing agricultural produce performs as valuable a task as the farmer. Without the provision of transport and intermediary services, agricultural products produced in areas of surplus would be of little value. Services in recent years have had a major impact on national economies and many service industries have facilitated improved productivity elsewhere in the manufacturing, transportation and agricultural sectors.…
References: Carbo, S., Gardener, E., Molyneux, P. and Williams, J. (2000) ‘Adaptive Strategies by European Savings Banks: A Case Study of Spain’, in…
As a Level 2 student studying Advertising and marketing, Service marketing plays an important role in my study. Service marketing is a sub field of marketing which covers the marketing of both goods and services (Wikipedia.com, 2014). It is considered to be a special kind of marketing, because it focuses on how to provide customer service can influence attitudes. Service now increasingly represents an integral part of the product and this interconnectedness of goods and services is represented on a goods-services continuum (MSG.com, 2014).With economic growing and the development of service in most nations, Service sector has a big influence of the world economy.…