The Charismatic gifts of the Spirit today seem to present a much heated topic for debate. While there are differing views, it is an open hand topic, the Apostle Paul exhorts to us in Romans 14 it is nothing to divide over or pass judgment on our fellow brothers and sisters for having a view that may not align itself with our own, and that as individuals: be convinced in their own minds. Rather than adopting someone else’s interpretation, as the Holy Spirit reveals it to that particular person, we are to seek what the Father would have us to learn from the passages that speak on all open handed topics. If we neglect seeking truth for ourselves and simply relying on another to do the studying for us it then can create an ideology. Additionally, one of the key factors in the diversity of understanding is in direct proportion to interpretation and personal experience. For myself I deeply believe in the continuation of the Spiritual gifts, not only from study but also from experience, and to include the continual outpouring of testimonies that come from all over the world that I just cannot seem to disregard. Even though much of what I see or hear might not make sense and is awkward at times I am humbly reminded that God is much bigger than I am and I cannot shove Him into a box of my own construct. Within this specific topic lies several sub-topics; the categorization of gifts, the use of particular wording, and each gift in and of itself being examined. Keeping in mind that this can be a never ending topic to discuss with an end result having no absolute, simplicity will be the avenue of approach looking into the opposing views of cessationism and continuationism.
The Gifts
One of the ways we can measure the importance of a principle or a doctrine is to determine the amount of space devoted to it in the Bible. Subjects or doctrines which are merely implied are surely of less significance than those clearly stated. Matters mentioned infrequently
Bibliography: 1. Deffinbaugh, Bob “The Measure of the New Testament Church.” (April 18, 2013) 2. Driscoll, Mark “Spiritual Gifts part V” (September 2006) (Accessed April 18, 2013) 3. Gaffin, Jr., Richard B.Perspectives on Pentecost: New Testament Teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1979. 4. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. “Where Have All the Spiritual Gifts Gone: A Defense of Cessationism” (Accessed April 18, 2013) 5. Lloyd-Jones, Martyn “The Sovereign Spirit” pp. 31-32 Harold Shaw Pub (June 1986) 6. Piper, John “Signs and Wonders: Then and Now” (February 1991) (Accessed April 18, 2013) 7. Slick, Matthew J. “Experiential Calvinism and the Charismatic Gift” (2012) (Accessed April 18, 2013) 8. Stevens, Dave “Cessationism Defended.” (Accessed April 22, 2013)