In the story, “Flowers for Algernon”, Charlie displays the theme multiple times. First of all, in the story Charlie displays the theme in his progress reports by showing his results which show fading in his knowledge. According to the text, once Charlie figures out about what is happening he …show more content…
First of all, in the story Algernon shows the theme by doing all of these experiments that lead to his death. According to the text, Algernon does all of these experiments for the doctors which gains them information because of him. So when Algernon dies it is like throwing away all of his hard work and it's all because of the initial experiment. Furthermore, Dr. Strauss also displays the theme of the story when he is arguing with Dr. Nemur. Based on what I read, Dr. Nemur believes that Dr. Strauss is trying to take all the credit for their experiment and Dr. Nemur is very upset and enraged that Dr. Strauss would do that. Because Dr. Strauss is trying to take all the credit is throwing away Dr. Nemur’s hard work. In conclusion, in the story “Flowers for Algernon”, the theme effort and desire lead to success, however it has its consequences is displayed within the characters, events, and the