There are three dimensions to businesses and they are: Organizations, People, and Technology.
Organizations use information systems to keep the different levels in their hierarchy separated and organized. Organizations are comprised of different levels from the higher levels of management to the lower levels of operational personnel and have specialty areas from Human Resources to marketing. Information systems are developed for each department at each level in order to keep the different areas clearly defined and organized. In my organization, I hold the position of Vice-President and I specialize in the web development portion of our business. I have an information system that is completely different from the owner and President of our company because our specialties and tasks are in different areas.
Information systems are only as good as the people that run and manage them. It is people that have to understand and use the information in order for the system to achieve the business goals. As of right now, we have hired an external company to keep track of all of our information systems and make sure we are keeping on task. This will change once I complete school and have a clear understanding on how to run our information systems myself.
Technology is the aspect that continuously evolves to allow us to connect to people all over the world with different computers, networks, software, and mobile devices. Data management technology is what makes our particular company run smoothly because it is a employer/employee match-up system. I am learning more and more about managing our data bases, but it is definitely complex and changes constantly as new technology and platforms are created. This is an exciting time to be a part of technology because of the rapid growth.
Question 2: What is the difference between IT and information systems? Describe some