Select Lessons for Developing Countries
Index Terms
Government CIO, CIO Council, CIO Role, CIO Framework, CIO Action Plan
An attempt has been made in this paper to view the Chief Information Officer (CIO) concept worldwide treating him as the prime mover of e-government. In the global perspective the entry of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in e-government calculus by incorporating the four dimensions of (i) introduction of CIO’s, (ii) human resource development for CIO’s, (iii) supporting body for CIO and (iv) role and function of CIO’s, for determining the status of e-government in a country is recent and is highlighted. Approaches to the CIO concept in private and public sectors are then distinguished noting that CIO experience in private sector is of limited use to the public sector. The CIO model in private and public sectors are then briefly described.
A dozen countries, namely, 1. United Kingdom, 2. United States, 3. Canada, 4. Japan, 5. Australia, 6. Singapore, 7. Hong Kong SAR, 8. Malta, 9. Botswana, 10. India, 11. Thailand, and 12. Sri Lanka, are selected to learn from, based on research on the Web, their experiences of implementation of CIO concept and their notable contributions to the CIO concept summarized including positioning of the CIO in the organisational structure in the selected countries. This is followed by a similar exercise in implementing the concept of CIO Council in selected countries. A hypothesis is then advanced that the socio-economic parameters of a country determine the status of ICT sector and E-government in general and the status of CIO in particular but it is a two-way, reversible relationship, that is, the status of CIO also determines the status of e-government which, in its turn, also determines the status of ICT sector which, in its turn, determines the status of the economy as a whole.
A framework for implementing the
References: [3] Waseda University (2007). 2007 Waseda University e-Government Ranking, Media Advisory, January 29,Available: [4] Deloitte (Deloitte Development LLC) (2004) [5] Gartner (2001). Creating the CIO Success Cycle, Stamford, CT, the Author, EXP Premier Reports, Available: [6] Available : [27] Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications (MITT) (2004): Republic of Mauritius: The ICT Manual for the Civil Service, Port Louis, the Author, December [28] Available: [29] Ha, Huong (2005): E-Government In Singapore – A SWOT and PEST Analysis, IBIMA 2005 Conference, Available: [30] Available: