Evolution of Digital Government or E-government As people continue to grow their dependence on information technology, newer ways to promote quicker more convenient ways to gain information have emerged. Government agencies such as the Postal Service and Department of Motor Vehicles have permitted tasks to be done online, such as address changes or license renewals, which is easier for people. These tasks have allowed due to the evolution of digital governments or e-governments. Digital government or e-governments was implemented for public organization for supporting …show more content…
There are three principles of open government: transparency, participation, and collaboration (Chun, Shulman, Sandoval, & Hovy, 2010). Transparency is providing the citizens with information about government activities, which promotes accountability (Chun, Shulman, Sandoval, & Hovy, 2010). In other words, government agencies release information about operations and decisions. Participation encourages the public to participate in policymaking by providing knowledge, ideas, and expertise of the citizens (Chun, Shulman, Sandoval, & Hovy, 2010). Collaboration calls for partnership and cooperation among government agencies, businesses, nonprofit organizations and citizens to improve effectiveness (Chun, Shulman, Sandoval, & Hovy, 2010). According to (Mergel, 2013, p. 124) by April 2012, 699 organizational units with in the U.S. federal government had created social media accounts. The use of Facebook and Twitter is an interactive ways of communication between the public and the