Assessment A, Part One - Credibility and Impact: Exploring the Internet and Politics
Indicate whether each website is credible.
Colbert Nation: no
Crooks and Liars: no
Daily Kos: no
Red, Green and Blue: yes
Salon: yes
The Drudge Report: no
The Hill: yes
The Huffington Post: no
The Nation: yes
The New York Times: yes
The Washingtion Post: yes
Assessment B: Writing the Speech
Speech Introductory Paragraph
The Internet has had a substantial impact on politics throughout this century. It has reshaped the political landscape by allowing politicians to stay in the know and quickly respond to information related to politics than ever before. Information presented on the Internet has affected the view of people as it relates to politics and politicians. People now have the ability to play a greater part in the political process and be more involved which adds more impact on what occurs in the process. Not only does the Internet benefit the people, but it also benefits politicians from the many useful tools that allows politicians to communicate with voters such as e-mail distribution lists, blogs, podcasts, or even Twitter accounts. The Internet has changed the delivery of information. It now comes out as lightning speed, followed by lightning responses from politicans on various topics. Voters have a greater chance at being heard for what they want with the many communication tools available on the Internet. Through the peoples' voices, politicians are able to learn more about what voters want and what they are concerned about. They play a role in how the political landscape has been reshaped, and how politics are impacted. The Internet has become a great source for people to express their concerns in politics, and a great place for politicians to connect with the people and get a pulse of how they are feeling. It has a great chance to continue to be the source of keeping politicians in the know.