By: Debbie Clements
Florida University of Technology
I. Child abuse defined
a. Where children end up
b. National Prevention Month
II. Forms of child abuse
a. Physical abuse
i. How to prevent
b. Child sexual abuse
i. How to prevent
c. Psychological abuse
i. How to prevent
d. Neglect
i. How to prevent
III. Risks and results of child abuse
a. Sociofactors
i. Characteristics ii. PTSD
IV. Prevention
a. Education
b. Parenting classes
c. Identifying
d. Reporting to CPS
V. Myths and facts of child abuse
a. Peoples beliefs
b. Bad people
c. Poverty
d. Characteristics
Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible …show more content…
Abused children usually come from poverty communities. Children who are abused need to be removed from the situation to keep them from being abused any further. I hope as I research child abuse, I can find ways to prevent it from happening in my community and surrounding areas. As a result of child abuse 1 to 5% of child in the United States are treated every year by a physician for injuries that have resulted from child abuse in some …show more content…
This happens when a child is an approach from an adult or an older adolescent for sexual stimulation. This abuse makes up 8% of child abuse cases. Some forms of this is asking or pressuring a child into sexual activities where outcome isn’t an issue, exposing genitals to a child, or displaying pornography in any manner. Some other ways are: having actual sexual contact with another person while child is present, having any kind of physical contact with the child’s genitals as well as looking at their genitals, and using nude pictures of child to product for pornography. Some effects of sexual child abuse is depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, propensity to re-victimization in adulthood, and physical injury to the child. Approximately 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused as children. In which 30% of that is comes from relatives of the child. Usually 60% are other family friends, caregivers, and the other 10% comes from strangers. A good way to prevent sexual child abuse is to only let your child be in the care of those that you trust and know that under no circumstances would that happen with the individual. And another way is to never leave you children alone outside where there are