Physical development : Physical development refers to the body increasing in skill and performance and includes : gross motor development ,this is where large muscles are used for example legs and arms and fine motor development , this is the precise use of muscles for example ,the use of hands and fingers.
Social emotional and behavioural development: This is the development of a child’s self-image and the development of relationships in their lives. It can also refer to the way children learn to play with others around them and how they express their feelings and how they control their own behaviour.
Communication and intellectual development: This is learning the skills of understanding memory and concentration and how to communicate with friends, family and others,
Expected patterns
From birth to 19 years of age, children and young people follow a developmental plan. Although children and young people are different in many ways, the way they grow and develop is similar ,this allows a pattern for development and from this we observe particular skills or milestones that most children can do at different ages.
Babies at birth (New born)
Most babies are born around the 40th week of pregnancy and it is very rare that a baby is born on its due date. When babies are born they don’t normally understand what is happening or realise they are a separate person, most new-borns aren’t aware who is feeding them, or who comforts them when they cry. New born babies will often cry when they are hungry or when they are tired, many parents think they their child is crying for their attention but this isn’t the case as a new born is not capable of responding to someone with any conscious purpose. These few things would suggest that new born are helpless but when they are born they are able to adapt very quickly.
Physical development of a new born
Physical development begins at the head and