Article 1: Abstract
An Analysis of Schema Theory and Learning Theory as Explanations for
Variance in Adolescent Adjustment
Trust is vital between characters when important decisions are made, if trust is lost it may be one of the hardest things to regain.…
As I reminisce about the required readings of this week 's lessons, I am reminded of the phrase "Circle of Trust". The words are simple enough, but the meaning behind it is so profound. According to Palmer, the circle of trust is not just about familiar and comfortable relationships between family, friends and loved ones. The circle of trust is truly about the relationship that a person builds or creates within every space of their lives. Rather that space be your personal life, your cultural interactions or your vocational life. "A circle of trust can form wherever two or three are gathered—as long as those two or three known how to create and protect a space for the soul" (Palmer, 2004). Palmer 's analysis of how important trust is to the…
Which supports how closeness with others can lead people to overvalue how well they communicate and interact, creating an illusion of understanding more than what they really are (Epley, 2011). From this I conclude that most people who are engaged in close relationships may believe that their partner…
Trust is also known as the confidence one person places in another and it is the true foundation of a relationship, so much so that if it was not present the relationship would have a much greater chance of breaking apart. One of the seven ways that intimate relationships differ from casual relationships is trust because once it is understood that partners can trust each other the stability of the relationship and the intimacy increases. There are four types of attachment styles that coincide with trust that adults can have which are known as secure, preoccupied, fearful and dismissing. An attachment style can be established during childhood and leads out until you are an adult. In my own personal experience, I have a preoccupied attachment…
The only things that human beings need to survive in this world are: food, shelter, and relationships. Humans by nature cannot successfully exist on their own, for that reason they are instinctively inclined to crave relationships with others. Whether a relationship be romantic or strictly platonic, it is crucial that one develop a proper foundation before trusting wholeheartedly. The foundation of a relationship, much like any other type of foundation, protects it from threatening outside forces, such as people with malicious intentions, or simply the trials of life in general. There are a myriad of useful qualities that can make up said foundation, however, several important examples are: knowledge of a partner’s character, open communication…
Social experiences, cultural beliefs, family background and other personal influences have shaped my views on the issues dealing with trust. There are some things that are always right or wrong despite the circumstances or situation whether an act is right or wrong depends on how, when, why, and by whom it was done. The environment in which I grew up impacted…
Trust and Respect among Partners: All the partners had a deep respect for each other and deeply…
Rotter, J. B. (1971). A New Scale for the Measurement of Interpersonal Trust. Joumal of Personality , 35, 651-665.…
Norris, S. L., & Zweigenhaft, R. L. (1999). Self-monitoring, trust, and commitment in romantic relationships. The Journal Of Social Psychology, 139(2), 215-220. doi:10.1080/00224549909598375…
Campbell, L., Simpson, J., Boldry, J., & Rubin, H. (2010). Trust, variability in relationship evaluations, and relationship processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99(1), 14-31. doi:10.1037/a0019714.…
Rempel, Holmes, and Zanna (1985) point out that trust can be fortified by positive past experience of a relationship partner’s trustworthiness. Thus, it may be that if a couple has convergent values, goals, and beliefs, they may perceive their partner’s behavior as being more predictable. It follows that this greater predictability could make a partner seem more trustworthy. For this reason, a couple with these shared characteristics may be more inclined to trust. I concur with these authors that relationship does stay stronger when the couple attend church and participate in activities’ held at the…
Building trust is critical in the establishment and success of any relationship. Without trust, partnerships are destined to experience turbulence. Even our most habitual daily activities necessitate some form of trust--be it presumed or earned. For example, one may assume a barber working in a well-established salon is trained, skilled and licensed to properly cut and style hair. However in a partnership, trust must be earned; and such trust requires time, commitment and dedication.…
Das, T. K., & Teng, B. (1998). Between trust and control: developing confidence in partner cooperation…
Trust is the very thing that everybody in this world desires, or at least should desire from one another. Who wants to have a friendship or relationship without trust? Nobody does. Without trust, there is no friendship, and without friendship, there is no love. I believe that trust is an even greater compliment than to be loved! I believe George Macdonald said it best when he stated "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved." When I read this quote for the first time, I thought to myself, "Wow that is so true. How can you be loved if you are not trusted first?"…
What is a relationship without trust? It is like having a phone without a battery or a car without gas. It just does not work.…