that God is working in our lives and he has brought us together as one to worship and praise him for all of his grace and mercy on our soles. I understand that there are some couple who attend church together and they have different beliefs and ideas on how the church should be run.
Couples can attend different churches and still have the trust factor in their relationship. I do not believe that the church is the one who holds the trust in couple’s relationship. Prayer is a powerful thing and when couples do pray together they tend to stay together longer. They trust that God will make a way for them and they believe that God put them together to stay until dealth. Rempel, Holmes, and Zanna (1985) point out that trust can be fortified by positive past experience of a relationship partner’s trustworthiness. Thus, it may be that if a couple has convergent values, goals, and beliefs, they may perceive their partner’s behavior as being more predictable. It follows that this greater predictability could make a partner seem more trustworthy. For this reason, a couple with these shared characteristics may be more inclined to trust. I concur with these authors that relationship does stay stronger when the couple attend church and participate in activities’ held at the
church. Overall, the article was useful to people who had doubt about spiritual power of prayer. I knew from my own relationship and my friends relaxations how being in church and believing in a God who will supply all your needs. The article just confirms that prayer works through the good and the bad times in a couple’s relationship. Lambert, Nathaniel M.; Fincham, Frank D.; LaVallee, Dana C.; Brantley, Cicely W.; Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, Jun 6, 2011.