Children are the future of a nation or it can perfectly be said that they are the soul of a nation they are the foundation of any country because they help in the nation building. But in today’s scenario Child labor has become an international issue. Today most of countries of the world facing child labor as an acute problem. It is a curse to the does not only show the backwardness of a nation but it is against the humanity. children work in factories shops restaurant when they were supposed to go to school 1-14 year is a very tender which is very crucial age for their physical and mental growth. It is a very often found in developing countries like India ,Pakistan, Bangladesh ,Nepal etc. couple of causes are not responsible for this but Everybody is responsible for this menace whether it is society, government, individual,poverty,unemployment, low wages backwardness etc.
Earlier the children used to work in the agriculture and plantation only but in present scenario they could be seen to be working in industries and hazardous industries like hotels restaurant, domestic servants, bangle making glass making bidi packing etc. The main reasons for all these are that employer can bully them very easily they can be subjected to exploitation.
According to the international labor organization 20% of the worker of the deployed in gold production are between the age of 11 to 18 years. Millions of the children of western countries are engaged in doing work like cars cleaning, newspaper selling, construction work hotels etc.
According to international labour organization the child labours in a kind of forced labour. It is a very often found in developing countries like India ,Pakistan, Bangladesh ,Nepal etc. It is a very often found in developing countries like India ,Pakistan, Bangladesh ,Nepal etc. because they are unable to give their free consent as most of the decision of their life is taken by their parents. Poverty forces then to send their