Seventy-three million children ages ten to fourteen are workingillegally in the world today. That makes up 11.2 percent of the population ages ten to fourteen. The purpose of thisessay is to show you the shocking details of how children are exploited in underdeveloped countries.
Why are these children working? These children are working for many reasons. In most cases people would think thatthese children are forced into working
Although in some cases childrengo to work because their family is extremely poor and they feel they need to helpget money.
In other cases these children are physically forced into doing thework that no one else will.
In other cases a child's family could all dieor just plain out leave him and they will be adopted and forced to do the work.Some children get sold to a manufacture and they are forced into working.AND…………….Why do these people make these children work?It is because they can’t afford topay people minimum wage or it is just because these children aretoo cheap to payminimum wage.Most of these kids work in the industrial area. Textiles,carpets, clothing, and footwear are the most common places where these childrenare forced to work. Boys are usually working the machines that make products.Girls work as maids and house cleaners for rich people. Both of these jobs comewith enormous tasks for the children. Nike is one of the biggest manufacturers of sports products in the world they have been caught using child labour andastonishing 30 times.