The first major thing I observed was that Rae seemed to have a problem departing from her mom. Her mom caught my attention and told me she was going to use the restroom. I nodded and let her leave and I started to observe again. When my eyes were back on Rae, her eyes were on her mom and it seemed to click in Rae's mind that her mom was leaving. She began to get fussy and started groping the air in front of her as if reaching for her mother. Rae began to cry and scream loudly. Her mom came back shortly and the child's activity resumed. I think Rae is very attached to her mother. Maybe her mother held her a lot when she was younger. …show more content…
Rae's older sister, Jo, was tattling on Rae it seemed like every couple of minutes. Occasionally I would hear a scream coming from Rae and look up to see Jo holding the toy was previously play with. I think the siblings may have trouble sharing their toys and that becomes screaming matches if their mom doesn't intervene in time. I know that having trouble sharing is