
Child Soldiers Persuasive Speech

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Child Soldiers Persuasive Speech
Have you ever ran from someone who was trying to kill you while running through the jungle to escape and get freedom. This is the life of a child soldier. “Nearly 20000 of Uganda’s abducted children” (Hope for Uganda’s Child soldiers). The issue of child soldiers came to worldwide attention when a 14 year old child soldier was executed in 1999. Child soldiers is a very big debate now. The two sides are they are victims and they are perpetrators. I think that they are victims. They are victims for these three reasons they don't know right from wrong, they are pushed to have no morals and last These kids do not know right from wrong. “You’re trained how to torture. You’re trained how to kill. It’s all you know,” (Hope for Uganda’s Child soldiers) said Gulu’s district coordinator for the Concerned Parents; Association which records abducted children numbers in Uganda. This shows that this is all they know they were pushed into this. This proves my point because it says that they are trained to do this and they don’t know what else to do. People are trying to teach these kids to kill. That is not right to teach kids how to kill they should not be killing at this age. These kids are very young and do not have the …show more content…
“They are pushed by their adult commanders,” stated Should child soldiers be prosecuted for their crimes. This says that they are forced to do whatever the commander says even if they say to kill himself. If they don't they get shot. They are making these kids suicide bomb. They have to because their commander told them to do that. Some might say that they still can not do it and run away ,but I say that they are forced to do it and are closely watched so it would be hard to run away in the dense forest. Thousands of children still missing might escape their brutal lives in the brush,” said Hope for Uganda’s Child soldiers. Why would somebody join if it is a brutal life. They are forced into this

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