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|1.1 |There are five main areas of development. They are: (SPICE) |
| |S – Social |
| |P – Physical |
| |I – Intellectual |
| |C – Communication |
| |E – Emotional |
| |Although they can be looked at as individual areas many activities overlap because all areas overlap into the next stage. |
| |Children develop in peaks in certain areas and at that same time other areas are small. Therefore consideration of the |
| |development of a child needs to be seen as a whole person. This is called Holistic development. For example a child may be |
| |deaf, (physical) and need to wear hearing aids to hear instructions in class. If another child was to tease that child and |
| |he/she then becomes aware of his or her disability and decide not to wear the hearing aids because he is embarrassed or upset |
| |(Emotional) He or she will then not be able to hear the instructions and not know what is he or