Name of Painting/Date Hope, II 1907-08
Artist Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918)
Describe what this painting subject is about.
This painting’s subject is about mother’s hope. The pregnant woman who closes her eyes and faces her head toward swelling belly wishes for her healthy birth.
Does the painting fit a specific theme? What is the theme or subject about?
Yes, the painting fits a specific theme. Her big belly and swollen breast indicate that the time to delivery baby is closed. A skull beside to her belly seems like to express her worry about baby’s health. Thus, the pregnant woman and three women in the bottom of this painting are praying their hope, healthy birth, with raising hands.
Describe the painting’s objects, shapes and elements that you observe. Be very specific.
I observed pregnant woman who lowers her head toward her big belly that supposed to carry baby. A skull hanging into her colorful gown is very scary because the tiny skull looks like baby’s skull and this object is very opposite to theme of this painting, hope. Splendid gown covered pregnant woman’s swollen belly looks like protecting her baby from devil spirits. At the edge of the gown, I found three women who head down and raise their hands. I believe that they are praying to God about safe delivery.
Describe the specific colors, textures, use of light and shade and other qualities.
The ground is dark, but painter scattered gold dusts on the dark ground. He used bright and soft colors on objects. Especially, pregnant woman’s gown is very colorful and brilliant. Vivid red and yellow colors express mom and baby’s life force. The lines that artist used are even and smooth. He liked to use curve lines and spiral, oval shapes in this painting. Overall texture of this painting is very smooth and calming. The texture makes this painting’s atmosphere more holy and peaceful.
Explain your responses and