Children go through difficult situations beyond their control. Many families have divorced, become widowed, lost jobs, or are abusive or neglectful. Children need to be provided with proper care and attention for them to become productive members of society. They also need to be reassured that situations are beyond their control and that they are not at fault. Many children also encounter psychological needs that require professional help from guidance counselors, psychologists, or social workers. The goal is to provide the children with security and a stable environment where they are properly cared for and are out of harm’s way. There are several groups and agencies that dedicate their time and energy to protecting these children and their families from hardship by providing parenting classes, government aid, and if needed, the child may be removed from the harmful environment and placed in a more suitable home for a period that may be temporary or permanent.
Children in Need: Be a Voice for the Children
Children haven’t fully developed the skills and defenses needed to deal with the stresses of life. They are endangered not only by poverty but illnesses, rejection, lack of understanding, the ability of parents to socialize them properly, and many other factors. Although some children do well in spite of grave hardship, inadequate care, love, and guidance most children are at the risk of developing a serious disorder. Children go through difficult situations beyond their control. Many families have divorced, become widowed, lost jobs, or are abusive or neglectful. Children need to be provided with proper care and attention for them to become productive members of society. They also need to be reassured that situations are beyond their control and that they are not at fault. Many children also encounter psychological needs that require professional help from guidance counselors, psychologists, or
References: Amato, P. (2005). Journal Issue: Marriage and Child Wellbeing. Retrieved from The Future of Children: http://futureofchildren.org/publications/journals/article/index.xml?journalid=37&articleid=107§ionid=692 Burger, W. (2011). Human Services in Contemporary America (8th edition ed.). Child Physical Abuse. (2013). Retrieved from American Humane Association: http://www.americanhumane.org/children/stop-child-abuse/fact-sheets/child-physical-abuse.html Ketteringham, K. (2007). Single Parent Households, Does it Affect the Children? Retrieved from Yahoo Voices: http://voices.yahoo.com/single-parent-households-does-affect-children-422927.html National Child Abuse Statistics. (2013). Retrieved from Childhelp: http://www.childhelp.org/pages/statistics Newman, D. (2002). Sociology of Families. Retrieved from Sagepub: http://www.sagepub.com/newman2studyfamilies/essays/single_parent.htm Petro, L. (2013). How Does Emotional Abuse Hurt? Retrieved from Teach Through Love: http://www.teach-through-love.com/effects-of-emotional-abuse.html Sexual Abuse. (2013). Retrieved from Kids Health: http://kidshealth.org/parent/positive/talk/child_abuse.html#