Due to the extremity many go through and the lack of remorse for their actions many should be tried appropriately for their actions just as Omar Khadir who was mentioned earlier. Just as children who commit diabolical crimes in America, young soldiers should be given the same corporal punishment. In the case of Robert Thompson in England, him and a friend were the first minors to be tried as an adult for the brutal murder of a 2-year-old boy. Many of these criminals, although their age small, can still pursue terrible acts. If all children were given amnesty they would still walk the same streets that you walk, some deemed as
Due to the extremity many go through and the lack of remorse for their actions many should be tried appropriately for their actions just as Omar Khadir who was mentioned earlier. Just as children who commit diabolical crimes in America, young soldiers should be given the same corporal punishment. In the case of Robert Thompson in England, him and a friend were the first minors to be tried as an adult for the brutal murder of a 2-year-old boy. Many of these criminals, although their age small, can still pursue terrible acts. If all children were given amnesty they would still walk the same streets that you walk, some deemed as