The personality of an individual is known as the combination of the different emotional, attitudinal and behavioral response patterns. It is determined by genetics and environmental factors, that’s why it is very important to recognize this factors in children and how they will influence in the development of their personality.
Findings from adoption and twin studies have confirmed that there is a genetic contribution to personality. Heritability is about 50% of person’s personality, which means that parents are responsible of a half of their child personality; this will be reflected on the similarities between the characteristics and ways of being between father and son.
But genetics are not everything. To have a genetic predisposition does not mean that children will necessarily inherit a trait, there have to be some other environmental stresses or situations that allow this trait to be developed. For example if a children is predisposed to depression, but at home he/she receives all the love, attention and is teach the correct way to solve problems and to accept as he/she is this child may never become depressed.
Peers play a very important role in the development of children personality. Children usually adopt and mimic many behaviors of their peers to be accepted in a social group. That’s why we see that some of the kindest and most lovely parents are children of drug addicts and gang members. Parents have the responsibility to teach their child the different values, to give them the tools to face the life and of course to give them all the love they need, so that when they are placed in negative environments they can know the difference between right and wrong and don’t allow others to shape their personality in a bad