In my small group I was prompted to teach about Korean finger math, Chisanbop. When I first received the instructions or directions on how count by using this method I could not understand. Although I read the directions more than twice I could not comprehend what fingers corresponded to which fingers. After looking through numerous sources on Google and YouTube I finally came up with the brilliant idea of using gloves. Since I am a visual learner, I taped numbers on all the gloves, this would allow me to understand what numbers matched my fingers. My goal as the teacher was to grasp the concept to my fullest potential so that there would not be any doubts, in case my students were confused on any step of the process. When I informed the students that I had created gloves, it seemed to engage them. The gloves were not only a helping factor of learning but also an addition to catching their attention. The awareness that they were the only ones with gloves gave them the boost of belief that they would learn more efficiently.
Before I started teaching I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself so they could get comfortable. After introducing ourselves to one another, I started teaching the lesson as I stood in front of them. At first it was difficult to try to explain the procedure. I had not practiced on actually teaching the steps to someone else. From this I learned that self-learning a lesson for your own benefit to understand and teaching your students are quite different. Even though it was a challenge for me to teach I had the confidence to clearly express the procedures. My teaching method included correcting them by showing what fingers needed to be pressed down. I also collaborated that this Chisanbop task was a little challenging so that they would not get discouraged. As the teacher I should have took a different approach. If I had to teach this lesson again I would have stood behind them to direct them, it would have