Chloe’s choice of sports may be influenced by six main categories; resources, people, culture, image, socio-economic, health and wellbeing. These then contain sub categories. I will go on to explain these influences in turn.
Firstly, socio-economic may be one of the main reasons for Chloe participating or not participating in sport. If Chloe is from a high socio-economic family she can access all sports, however if she is from a low socio-economic family cost of the sport would limit access; if the fees or equipment cost is too high then she may not be able to afford to pursue the sport. A high socio-economic family may be able to afford for Chloe to partake in sports such as rowing, sailing and polo.
Culture may influence the sport you partake in as it affects your lifestyle. An example would be that people living in the city are more likely to do sports such as athletics or football where as more rural or costal places may do sports like riding or water based sports. Chloe may not partake in a sport due to religious beliefs, this would mean she could not do shooting or boxing/wrestling, or religious attire as it could be impractical or dangerous for example if she was wearing a head scarf for gymnastics. Under the category of culture is also age and gender, from a young age girls are often more likely to partake in activities such as gym and dance this could be continued in later life encouraging Chloe to continue the sport, also age may play a role due guides and regulations set by sporting bodies, an example of this is that after a certain age males and females are unable to play against each other in games such as football and rugby, this could affect Chloe as there may not be female clubs set up in her area limiting her choice of sport. Linked to