Male narwhals grow a tusk and on very rare occasions, can grow two. They have small eyes, and are classified as whales. Narwhals are “toothed whales”, or whales with tusks. Full grown males weigh about 1.6 tons, while a full grown female weighs 0.9 tons. They tend to lighten with age. A narwhal tusk is soft on the outside and hard on the inside. Scientists believe it is used as a sensory organ.
When a baby narwhal is born, it has no tusk, nor speckles. At birth a narwhal usually weighs about 176 pounds and it is about 5 feet long. Females mature at the age of 4-8 while the males mature at 8-13. From what research told me, narwhals start grow their tusks before they mature. An adult male narwhal will weight about 1.6 tons. The average weight of a female narwhal is 0.9 tons. Both narwhals are about 13 feet long in their adult stage. Narwhals can live to 35-55. A narwhal’s life usually ends at about 45 years old.
Narwhals like cold waters. In winter they live in the cold waters of Greenland, Russia, Canada, and Alaska. Sometimes they are found in Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, and Baffin Bay. These bodies of water are located between Canada and Greenland. The Baffin Island is a popular spot for narwhals. Narwhals also have summer spots that they