In Aristotle's Characteristics of a Tragic Hero it tells the traits of what makes a tragic hero and Chris Mccandless is a Tragic Hero, the first Trait is noble birth in Into The Wild Chris had a good upper middle class status his father was an aerospace engineer and Chris had a GPA of 3.72 and $24,000 to go toward law school meaning Chris had a noble status. Next trait is hamartia the tragic flaw that leads to his downfall, Chris’s flaw was his pride and …show more content…
The Catharsis is that the audience must feel pity or fear of the character. Lack of knowledge of Alaska and his pride of not to take things that might give him an advantage surviving Alaska went back at him and made Chris too sick to walk or get out of Alaska and soon dies from starvation after his death most of the people's opinions on Chris’s death were mixed some people thought of Chris was brave and had courage to enter to his adventure, but others think that Chris was mentally ill or that he was stupid for going out to Alaska and most of the people Chris met on his journey thought that he was crazy to set a goal that high and could be a bad idea.Into the Wild shows Chris making big choices, but makes huge mistakes in his journey most of the choices Chris picked were mostly due to his tragic flaws(pride and determination) to make it to Alaska and consequently backfired at him. Some of Chris choices that affected him the most where on the first chapter of the book pg 6 Gallien offered to buy him some better gear that could have helped him a lot for his survival, but Chris refuse due to trying to reach to Alaska and getting