What is an Honest Heart? An honest heart can mean so much and has many meanings. In today’s society, people engage in many different forms of religion, if at all. One meaning is “treatment of others with an honest heart.” Another definition could be that honesty is when a person is not speaking untruths. The general consensus of the group is an individual that studies the word of God, believes in God and lives according to God has an honest and pure heart. Honesty comes from within an individual and is anointed with the Holy Spirit.
We are guided through our daily lives and interactions by God and allowed to feel his presence through the Holy Spirit, growing in a Christian manner by reading and studying His word. Basically put, when an individual lives according to and studies the word of God, he or she will have high standards and expectations with moral and ethical decisions. God knows our hearts and gives us everything we need to prosper and serve him. God knows the true meaning behind our actions whether the outcome is truthful or deceitful. We as human tell untruths amongst ourselves on a daily basis and generally cannot tell when we are told untruths According to Proverbs 21:2-3, is states that “A person may think their own ways are the right, but the Lord weighs the heart.” This means that individuals are going to act accordingly to their needs regardless of the outcome whether right or wrong. It is also interpreted as meaning that individuals seem to not recognize wrong or deceitful through their own