English 101
Prof. Gail McCrady
March 20, 2014
Christianity Vs. Judaism
At the most basic levels Christians are anyone who professes that Jesus of Nazareth is the
“Christ” (the “Messiah or the Anointed one”) of God. This might sound simple, yet what does
It mean? And what else do Christians believe about “Jesus” and “God.” Christianity is the
Number one religion worldwide with 2.1 participants. It is approximately one third of the
Worlds population. (and about god.com) The name “Christ” what does it mean? It is derived from the Greek word “Christos”
Meaning the Anointed One, which in turn comes from the verb “Chrio” meaning to anoint
Or to smear with oil, it has exactly the same meaning as “Messiah” which is derived from the
Hebrew Mashiah meaning also the “Anointed One.” (Felix Just PhD) According to Act 11:26
(Holy Bible)This was the first time those who believe in Jesus was called Christians, it was in
Antioch a Greek speaking city in Ancient Syria at about the year 35 to 40 C.E. (Holy Bible) Since the early years of Christianity, various myths, legends even conspiracy theories About the origin of the Bible, ( which has had worldwide circulation,) The discovery of many
Books that was not accepted into the Bible has only added to the speculations. There are three
Major speculations to its origin. The first is Divine Diction- that states, in the grip of the Holy
Ghost they received a divine revelation directly from God It was translated and written down
Without any error. The second Imperial Decree- this view suggests that the official and final
Contents of the Bible were established by ecclesial councils order by Emperor Constantine
And his successors. The third and final The Forgeries and Falsehoods- this view states that
It wasn’t who the actual writers purported to be. Rather, much of the new testament was
Written by frauds impersonating famous and powerful Christians of earlier generations.
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