The salvation army supports the community many ways during the christmas holidays. They have an annual “Fill the Kettle for Christmas” there is also a “Santa Shuffle” to raise money, and there is also a Christmas hamper program.…
American families derive pleasure in viewing Christmas movies, and the hyperbolized plots give children and adolescents, the most influential individuals in society, unreasonable expectations, which affect their practicality. According to the website, “Problems with Christmas Curriculum,” published by Steven A. Gelb, the standard formula used to create the plot of hundreds of holiday movies, shows the same fantasized version of Christmas, which makes one’s choice of how they would want their holiday to take place, difficult. Although several individuals would like the reality of a holiday to more closely resemble the television-version, visual settings, reasons for celebrating, and the holiday’s ending make individual unrealistically expect a more romanticized version of Christmas.…
Christmas is a holiday celebrated around the world. Children wait all night the evening before for santa to place their gifts beneath the tree. Excitement rages from them the morning of December twenty-fifth; pretty wrapping paper and shiny bows glisten under the christmas tree lights while the bulbs upon it sparkle so elegantly. However, Christmas is not about all these aspects that it is displayed as. Christmas has more meaning than pretty gifts and how many gifts each child has under the tree. This holiday is above the amount of money one kid gets while the next gets so little. Though some see Christmas as a materialistic holiday, it has far more depth than so little meaning. The Holiday of Christmas contrasts greatly with celebrations…
seek to bring one year to its natural happy conclusion, while preparing to usher in a…
Christmas brings out a certain joy in me. Seeing the same enthusiasm in others makes me realize how wonderful the season is. Hearing the songs that can brighten anyone’s day, and smelling fresh cookies straight out of the oven is just a bonus to the already perfect holiday. Christmas 2015 here I…
Christmas is a kid’s favorite holidays for really only one reason: presents. We live in a society where materialistic things outweigh almost anything else. We would do almost anything to get the new iPhone, and we have an annual “buy as much as you can” day, also known as Black Friday. Christmas, unfortunately, has gone away from its religious origins and has been turned into the most expensive holiday of the year. Although I am sitting here trashing Christmas, I do still enjoy the snow and the decorations; who doesn’t? Snow sets the stage for Santa, and decorations make it all the merrier. Twinkling lights accompany almost every roof and dance in the cold winter gusts. The weather and feel of Christmas couldn’t be more perfect for the holiday; cold keeps us in the house and makes the fire feel all the more wonderful, while sugary treats and presents make our tummies and shelves feel good. Unfortunately for Christmas, my love for the day has diminished. I have grown up to see how selfish our society is during this time of year and now different we treat the holiday than it is actually supposed…
If you are in saving mode don’t go all organic at least for few months and use cheap stores like Aldi, Walmart to get your groceries. Use coupons or deals, watch out for sales in any purchase. Think about giving up on cable, Netflix, Hulu, gym membership etc., if you don’t use them much. If you have paid subscriptions to any product or anything give it up. Analyze your most important expenses like your life not possible without them and only spend on those.…
Temptations are all around us during the holidays. For one, our brains will tell us that we can eat more fatty foods because we can hide out forming tummy's underneath a baggy sweater and a thick pair of tummy tucking jeans. However, if you go with that idea for too long, by the time spring comes around you would have put on so much weight that you will not want to get rid of the baggy sweaters or the warm baggy sweat pants. And believe me, it's much harder taking off that holiday weight than it was putting it on. The best trick I have learned over the years is to put on a bikini every week and see how my body looks. If I am okay with how things look, then good. If not, it's a clear harsh reminder of what I should not be doing, and that is…
For many people. the months December through February create a vision of happiness and holiday cheer. The thought of all the warm Christmas cookies you and your mom would make, or the pine sweet smell of your just brought home tree, you, already prepared with your basket of ornaments, dusty from being in your basement all year long. The hope of a new year, of new beginnings, of fresh snow, and coming inside from the cold to sit by the burning fire with your favorite book. Thinking of these months can stir up a great deal of memories, and for many, these memories are wonderful. For myself, they always have been. December was a symbol of happiness for me. My family would travel to come to St. Louis, we would routinely follow Christmas traditions from years before, and love was widely spread. However, last December morphed this tremendous enjoyment I got out of these winter months.…
so this year i really want to pay more attention to things that actually matter. i've realized that there's just some things you can't control in life and that sometimes you just have to let it go. i used to worry and stress over things i had no control over and that definitely impacted me in bad ways. this year i'm going to try my best not to be like that. i want to be able to be happy and focus on the significant things in my life, the things that truly do matter. that way i'll be happier and more successful with everything i…
If you don't have your children for a holiday, be pro-active and make a plan for yourself. Find some friends to be with or get involved with charities need an extra hand in the holidays, like a soup kitchen or family…
Before New Year’s Eve, everyone is busy with preparatory work such as cleaning houses, cooking traditional foods as well as buying new clothes. Step into the New Year's Day, it is entitled to great things. Particularly, parents take children to visit ancestors and relatives with warm and wonderful wishes. From my point of view, the short period of time is the most comfortable and the funniest time of a year.…
The purpose of this report was to evaluate the 2012 Holiday Season for Retail Marketing and Consumer Spending Patterns. Research for this report included a review of current government, marketing and consulting firm data, and also web-based articles on the topics covered. The topics that were covered included:…
People everywhere enjoy celebrating the New Year. It is an important occasion. It’s a time for people to spend time with family, make a fresh start, and change some bad habits to have a good new year.…
We often do many activities during New Year. For example, people believe that burning incense on the first day will bring the whole family good fortune in the coming year. They also wish for health for their parents and a stable and peaceful life for themselves and…