Must be over 18, British/European nationals, and not a declared bankrupt1,
May sign cheques2,
May act as Clerk on an unpaid basis3,
Must attend when summoned to the requisite number (at least once every six months) of Council meetings4,
Must sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office, Register of Interests, and that they will abide by the Code of Conduct5,
Must act in the best interests of all the electorate, must abide by majority decisions6
Cannot act autonomously6 – no single councillor can constitute a committee, and therefore make a decision or take unilateral action on behalf of the Council,
Must maintain proper standards of behaviour7,
Must declare personal/prejudicial interests8,
Must not promote unlawful discrimination/inequality9,
May not take remunerated employment for a Council where they have been an elected Member until 12-months from their time as a councillor10.
The Chairman manages the meeting of the Council and is responsible for ensuring that lawful decisions are taken - no lawful decisions may be made without chairman in attendance. They must remain impartial, keep discussion to the point, ensure they understand decisions that have to be made, and ensure all members can have their say.
The Chairman:
Must be a member of the Council who has signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office form,
Is an appointment required by law11 - their election must be the first item at the Annual General Meeting12,
Is entitled to the style of Mayor13,
Assumes office having signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office - remains so until resignation, or successor appointed14,
May call a Meeting15
Has casting vote16 except regarding vacancy co-option,
If present,