Chains, spikes, and pain is the everyday life for an animal in the circus. Performance animals, who experience cruel training, extreme punishment, and abuse from their handlers should be released from the circus. When people go to the circus, they picture a place filled with excitement, love, and entertainment. In reality, the place people used to love when they were children doesn’t exist, but is substituted with a cruel and joyless place where the animals that amazed them as children are beaten, starved, and taken from their mothers. These amazing and innocent animals suffer throughout their entire lives in ways that are unimaginable and some are even killed.
Many of the animals that are abused range from chimpanzees …show more content…
Performance animals in the circus are trained with very cruel and brutal training methods. Many of these circuses use spikes, chains, electrical devices, bull hooks, and much more ( Ex trainers have spoken out about the abuse the animals go through, one example is of a little brown bear. This little bear was a “ sweet innocent little brown bear who never hurt anyone,” she had trouble balancing on a high wire and because she couldn’t balance on the high wire she was beaten. This sweet little innocent brown bear was beaten with a long metal rod and she then would later “hit her head against her small cage,” because she got so neurotic. She later died, a little innocent brown bear, whose heart couldn’t hurt anyone died in the hands of of the circus ( The animals are affected in a negative way because the conditions they live in are very poor. The conditions and training methods leads to poor mental and physical wellness. An example of how they are affected mentally and physically is that performance animals that travel in the circus are kept in a small tight cage for up to 100 hours when traveling …show more content…
It affects their behavior which can make them a danger to others and to themselves. Animals who experience abuse become unpredictable and neurotic. They can become dangerous which will lead to them being put down. Many of the animals can go into extreme psychological distress. “Bar biting and self-mutilation are also common among circus animals, and is directly related to the stress caused by confinement” (
Performance animals that experience cruel training, extreme punishments, and abuse from their handlers should be released. The life of the animals in the circus isn’t a life at all. It is filled with all kinds of torture and punishments that no animal should go through. Imagine being taken from your mother, who is screaming while chained to a solid wall. Imagine being beaten, burnt, chained, whipped, and locked in a tiny cage for hours. Animals in the circus should be released and be given a chance at a life where they don’t live in fear and are able to live the life an animal is supposed to