1. Describe how computers are used in transportation.
Technology is used for transportation many different ways like with cars, trucks, planes,
and ships. When there are delivery men driving trucks, planes, or ships they use computers to keep track of packages and the places they're going to. If your car locks then it uses computers to do so along with it giving warnings that there is something wrong with your car. Also if you go on a road trip or a new place then most people use a GPS which is a computer that collects directions from satellites in space. If you travel by plane then you have to hand your luggage over before you get on and it goes through computers that detects whats in it and where it should go. Pilots that have to fly a plane a long time tend to get very tired but now days computers can relieve them for a bit by switching to autopilot. People who fly planes also can get alerts for bad weather and directions of where they are flying from computers. Captains of ships use computers as well by using maps that come from them and also being able to tell the depth of the place in the ocean the ship is located. Computers help keep people protected and safe from bad things or accidents happening when they use transportation. Ways of transportation include and use many different types of computers whether its locking your car or relieving an exhausted pilot a computer is involved in making it happen. (Discovering Computers and Microsoft Office 2010)
2. What does the future look like for storage devices. What will they look like? What type of technology is being developed to support growing data storage requirements? People working on storage devices for computers are trying to make storage devices smaller and more compact. Scientists are looking into many different storage ways and one way is holographic memory which would look similar to a DVD disk but