Key terminology for diversity issues.
Racism- Race is a separation of the human population that makes people different to others, there is lots of groups for racism such as a colour of a person's skin, hair texture and facial features, culture also if people have a disability it can be racism as they are different. Racism is when a group of people think they are better than another group or individual because they look different, in their eyes better. E.g. a group of British girls bully an Asian girl because she has a different skin colour and also the fact she believes in god and they think it is total rubbish and that she shouldn't be allowed to mix with them. This is a bad form of racism but it happens all over the world, really no one is different just because they believe in the religion.
Institutional Racism- Institution racism happens in jobs all over the world whether it's a organisation or a business such as the public services, universities, charities and owned companies. This kind of racism occurs when a organisation fails to deliver the same kindness or professional service to someone who has a different colour skin, culture, religion or ethnic origin as to everybody else. An example of this is that a British person gets promoted after only being in the company for 2 weeks but a Muslim who has been there for 2 years has never been promoted and always been on the lowest salary possible. Companies sometimes only advertise jobs in certain newspapers that aren't often read by ethnic minorities. The term 'institutional racism' had a large impact on the public services in 1999 with the metropolitan police force when they was being racist towards the murdered man Stephen Lawrence's family throughout the case.
Multiculturalism- This is the presence and acceptance of a variety of different religious cultures within a community or society. The idea of Multiculturalism is that all cultures are treated fairly and