My Learning Experience As early as I can remember, my house growing up was always free of bell peppers. My mother is allergic to them; even the smell makes her sick to her stomach. I always wondered if I was allergic to them as well, but never took any chances as a child and didn’t eat them either. Even to this day when dining out with my parents my mother always asks “are there bell peppers in this” her face would always have that crinkled up nose, that look of disgust on her face when she says it, as would anyone who has a food allergy especially to a common food like bell peppers. From this experience I learned not to like bell peppers either, as a young a child develops that sense of acceptance he or she want to be just like them, my sister is exactly the same way about bell peppers. This experience was learned primarily without intention by classical conditioning. Classical Conditioning is process of behavior modification in which a subject learns to respond in a desired manner such that a neutral stimulus (the conditioned stimulus) is repeatedly presented in association with a stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus) that elicits a natural response (the unconditioned response) until the neutral stimulus alone elicits the same response (now called the conditioned response). For example, in Pavlov's experiments, food is the unconditioned stimulus that produces salivation, a reflex or unconditioned response. The bell is the conditioned stimulus, which eventually produces salivation in the absence of food. This salivation is the conditioned response. (Free dictionary 2000) My learning experience is very similar to the experiments of Ivan Pavlov. The unconditioned stimulus is the bell pepper; however, because of my mother’s reactions to the bell pepper from such an early age the unconditioned response was never there for me. I was always from day one conditioned to dislike the bell pepper by
References: Carpenter, S. and Huffman, K. (2008). Visualizing Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Farlex INC. (2009). Free Dictionary. Retrieved July 19, 2009, from