I am writing with concerns about the amount of testing that students have to complete during a school year. There is so much time used in the classroom just focusing on state required testing, that valuable teaching opportunities are lost. Not only are our students required several state and federal tests each year, they are also required numerous test by their individual teacher. The school district should consider removing or combining some of the required tests, which would have a minimal financial burden on the district, and will provide teachers time to teach educational material, and not just teach to test; although testing is used as an accountability tool for students and teachers, it may be causing more of an injustice
I am writing with concerns about the amount of testing that students have to complete during a school year. There is so much time used in the classroom just focusing on state required testing, that valuable teaching opportunities are lost. Not only are our students required several state and federal tests each year, they are also required numerous test by their individual teacher. The school district should consider removing or combining some of the required tests, which would have a minimal financial burden on the district, and will provide teachers time to teach educational material, and not just teach to test; although testing is used as an accountability tool for students and teachers, it may be causing more of an injustice