Ans) Online recruitment is now a standard part of most people's job hunting no matter what level or age. The advantages of online recruitment are:
• Cost effective-Putting a job vacancy on your own company website costs you nothing while putting one on a job board usually only costs a couple of hundred dollars. When you consider that a recruitment consultant fee for a candidate could be anything up to 20% of the first year's salary, and that advertising in a national newspaper can cost thousands, you can immediately see the cost savings possible with online recruitment.
• Online recruitment is easy and fair- posting a job on your own site is simple. Most job sites and CV databases are very user-friendly and you don't need to have an in-depth knowledge of IT to post a vacancy advertisement. Also, online screening is totally job based and fair to all people with equal skills.
Do you see any drawbacks associated with the system, and if so, how might they be addressed?
Ans) Online recruitment is now a standard part of the recruitment process for many companies and it helps reach a wider array of candidates. However, employers must be mindful of the downfalls associated with this trend, which are as follows:
• Specialized Jobs- some jobs require such specific skills that an employer might not be able to reach qualified candidates through Internet job posts. In these cases, it will likely require a more proactive approach such as the use of headhunters. This is especially true if the job needs to be filled quickly.
• Number of Candidates- since the Internet is available around the world, it can be difficult to limit the amount of applicants. One way to combat this is to make the job description as specific and detailed as possible to discourage the unqualified from applying.
• Less Face-to-Face Contact- because of the distance involved, there might be a