
Clinical Observation Reflection

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EDN 100 Clinical Observation Reflection Introduction During the course of my fall semester at Elgin Community College, I had the opportunity to observe an elementary school, middle school, and high school classroom. For my classroom observations, I went to Westfield Community School and Jacobs High School. Each classroom visit was to be five hours, making the required observation time fifteen hours. My themes for my paper will be classroom management and time on task.
Theme 1: Classroom Management
A. For my elementary classroom observation, I chose to go back to the school I attended from kindergarten to eighth grade, Westfield Community School. Since my area of interest is elementary education, I chose to observe a third grade classroom.
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Her classroom was very welcoming. The walls were filled with masses of pictures encouraging learning consisting of colors, shapes, letters, animals, numbers, and objects. There was a schedule on the board showing the times for each subject and a calendar with the current and previous day’s dates on it. In the back of the room, there was a rocking chair with a large blue rug in front of it, where they do their morning meeting, which I will explain later. Overall, the classroom environment was very homey. Ms. C’s lesson plans were interesting, informative and very well planned out. Every morning, her class held a “morning meeting”. It started with a chosen student that sits in the rocking chair and reads the class rules to her peers, who are sitting in a circle on the rug in front of her. They do a greeting where each student says “Sup (name)” to the next. This got the students involved. It continued until they’d gone around the circle. Next, a question is chosen out of a hat and each student has to go around and answer the question, giving the students a chance to communicate with one another. We learned about this in class when we talked about classroom management and how children being involved ensure that all students are a part of the classroom learning community. “Jane Adamd belives in socialized education where everyone is included in the classroom” (Lecture notes, 9-22). I thought the way that Ms. C involved her students was

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