Paragraph 2 After researching the active ingredient in Clorox Household Cleaner, I have come to the conclusion that the active ingredient …show more content…
These sources of uncertainty could have had major impacts on the data we were able to collect. The quality of swabbing conducted on each plate couldn’t be the same for every single plate, and that showed in our results. One of the plates had insufficient E. coli bacteria growth in a region of about 1/3 of the plate size. Because of this, we did not get an accurate reading of the inhibition zone for one of the discs in that area, changing our data. Another source of uncertainty is if the paper discs were placed in the right locations. One of the discs was supposed to have a rather large inhibition zone and instead it was very small. Because of this, we question if it was placed right, and again, it changed the data we were able to collect. The last source of uncertainty for our experiment was how long the plates were uncovered in the swabbing and disc application process. If they were left uncovered for an uncertain amount of time, it would impact how the E. coli bacteria would have grown on the plate. In addition to that, if there were some other sort of air born microbe that could have landed on the plate, it could impact how the E. coli would